Friday, December 4, 2009

Tap into your network

Women are the most natural networkers. In general, we have the gift when it comes to communicating with others. Think of the people we meet through our children, school, pre-school, child care, exericising, our neighbourhood, at work, the local shops etc etc.

At some stage, the efforts we have made to build our network will reap rewards in many ways. One of the ways you can utilise your network is to find a job. We regularly recommend to our users to use their networks to look for work opportunities. Send an email to everyone you know (social, ex-managers, ex-colleagues, family etc) letting them know that you are looking for work. You may also want ot use Facebook and LinkedIn. Be clear on the type of work you are looking for and your flexibility requirements e.g. can only work 3 days per week. Drop into local businesses and see if they have any work available.

Using your network can be the most effective way of finding a job because people know you and they can recommend you through word of mouth.

If you are not ready to find a job yet, use your network to learn more about a particular industry you would like to move into. Your confidence and self esteem will bounce back once you start meeting people and gathering information.

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