Sunday, July 27, 2008

Speak up! Email an elected leader

There are still so many things wrong in the workplace for parents. The biggest challenges consistently faced by working parents or parents wanting to return to work are the cost of child care, child care availability, and flexible work arrangements. Australia consistently lags behind most other OECD countries in all of these areas, and yet our leaders are still content to debate the issues rather than take action.

I would like to suggest that any time you have something to say about these challenges, email the appropriate politician. I have provided you with a list of our elected leaders who's portfolios are relevant to your needs:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Why not take it one step further. I am a basic normal housewife & was unhappy with what was going on. About four years ago I introduced myself to the local member at each level of government, and have proactively corresponded with them, or their department. If I want changes to happen, I believe I have to offer my assistance and clearly communicate what I want.
