It is no secret that the job market is tight at the moment. With the current economic climate, we are hearing of business closures, job cuts and redundancies on a weekly basis in both the public and private sectors. The 18-25 year olds are typically overlooked because there are more experienced candidates looking for work.
Another emerging trend is the number of university and TAFE students who are studying part time and working full time. For some, this means that it will take up to 6 years to complete their degree but they have to adapt to current employment demands – and practical work experience is rated highly.
If your business has part time or full time opportunities, consider approaching local universities or TAFE colleges to find some good candidates. Candidates with previous experience may be at the top of your wish list, but it still takes most people up to 3 months to settle into a new job regardless. If your focus is on the candidates’ aptitude and attitude in the recruitment process, and not just relevant experience, you have the ability to create a far more productive workforce. If candidates have a have a willingness to work and the ability to listen, you may stumble across some very capable and grateful workers who are looking to be given a chance – just like you were at the start of your career. Apart from the interview process, you can tap into psychometric testing to assist you in finding the best candidate.
If you have children or family members aged between 18-25, provide them with some career guidance. Gone are the days of going to university for 3-4 years, completing a generalist degree (e.g. Bachelor of Arts), working in cafes and bars, and landing a dream job. If they don’t know what they want to do, encourage them to find a full time job while completing a Certificate of Diploma at TAFE part time. It is a cheaper option, they still come out with a qualification, and they are working and earning money.
Another great source of information is researching the growth sectors in our economy. Where this growth, there are jobs. According to IBISWorld, some of the hot 10 industries over the next few years include organic farming, investment banking and securities broking, mining, aged care services, online information services, veterinary services, financial planning, accounting, general hospitals, and biotechnology.