Monday, November 10, 2008

Child care and paid parental leave - Still all talk and no action

Myself and other parents I know have been really disappointed with the media commentary relating to the demise of the ABC Learning Centres. What a wonderful opportunity for Government to take control of early learning for children - not to mention the pricing of child care. The cost of child care is consistently one of the top 3 barriers for parents returning to work.

There are also concerns that Government may not implement the paid parental leave initiative because of the economic downturn. Why?? The economic downturn will not outlast Australia's skills shortage. I am sure there are necessary cutbacks on defence spending that could be achieved to make up for any potential budget deficits.

These latest setbacks are not just about families - they are about equality for women. When are we going to stop talking about it and finally do something about it?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

CAREERMUMS SURVEY RESULTS– Paid parental leave welcomed by parents but not at a cost to businesses

CareerMums recently conducted a ‘pulse’ survey on the issue of paid parental leave in response to the Productivity Commission’s release of their draft report. 90 per cent of respondents believe that paid parental leave is an important employment entitlement to encourage retention in the workplace, but not at the expense of businesses.

Kate Sykes, Director of said “Our users are expressing concerns about the compliance and superannuation costs that businesses may face if the Federal Government accepts the Productivity Commission’s Paid Parental Leave Scheme in its current form. If businesses are forced to act at the paymasters of paid parental leave (reimbursed later) and pay superannuation, this may inadvertently cause discrimination against the hiring of women who are of child-bearing age.”

read our press release at the following URL: